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Choosing a roofer and selecting the right roof for your house can be difficult. We understand. The Premier Roofing blog aims to help. From selecting the right materials to understanding the nuances of roof maintenance, we’ve got you covered. As a trusted partner, we’re here to share valuable insights, industry trends, and practical tips to help you make informed decisions about your roof.

Is winter a good time to repair or replace your roof?

Can you replace a roof in winter? Can you replace your roof in the winter? You may have heard that you absolutely cannot have your roof installed or repaired in the cold winter months, but is this popular (sub)urban legend actually true? Roofing contractors will overwhelmingly agree that this is a total myth, but with a couple of caveats, of course. Winter in some regions of the country is very harsh, with constant single-digit temperatures and near-constant snow on the ground and roofs. Now, obviously, you can’t put a new roof on a snow-covered house, and we definitely don’t recommend installing a new roof when temperatures are [...]

What Can Go Wrong If Your Roof Is Having Issues?

What is your home’s first line of defense against the extremely problematic issue of water intrusion? Many folks may say the foundation, sump pump, or gutters, but it’s actually your roof! Your roof is usually the first thing that the rain touches as it starts to fall. If your roof is having issues, not only could it rain inside your home, but it could quickly turn into an indoor downpour! You may not realize just how much water your roof usually protects your house from, so let’s put it in perspective. A small, 1,000-square-foot roof during a 1” rainfall event is going to have approximately 623 gallons of [...]

What Type of Roofing Lasts the Longest?

What Type of Roofing Lasts the Longest? Choosing the right roofing material for your home is essential, especially if you are looking for longevity and durability. Each material comes with its unique set of benefits and drawbacks, but some types of roofing stand out when it comes to lifespan. If you reside in areas serviced by a roofing company in Bel Air, MD, you have various choices to consider. Below, we will explore the roofing materials with the longest lifespan to help you make an informed decision. Asphalt Shingles Asphalt shingles are perhaps the most popular roofing material in the United States due to their affordability [...]

How do I know when it’s time to replace my roof?

When is it time to replace a roof? Time to replace your roof? A roof, if properly installed, should last its labeled life expectancy, and it should not need to be replaced until it has reached the end of that predicted lifespan. Roofing systems’ lifespans can vary wildly depending on the type of shingled roof system you have and can range from 20 years all the way up to 50 years! So how do you know when it’s time to replace your roof? If you were the last person to have a roof installed on your home, then this one should be a breeze. Just [...]

How Much Should You Pay a Roofer Upfront?

How Much Should You Pay a Roofer Upfront? Hiring roofers in Bel Air, MD is a significant investment when it comes to home maintenance and improvement. Whether you need to repair an existing roof or install a new one, understanding how much to pay a roofer upfront is essential to ensure a smooth and successful project. In this blog post, we will explore the factors that influence upfront payments, industry standards, and tips to protect yourself when hiring roofers. Understanding Upfront Payments When it comes to home improvement projects, particularly with roof repair or installation, the upfront payment often serves as a deposit to secure [...]

Will My Insurance Company Drop Me If I Have an Old Roof?

Can My Insurance Company Cancel My Policy or Refuse to Renew It Because of My Roof’s Age? The short answer? Yes, they can. Home insurance companies in Bel Air, MD and the surrounding areas have been tightening their policies when it comes to older roofs. Many insurers now view aging roofs as a high risk, which can lead to higher premiums, non-renewal, or even outright cancellation. Here’s what you need to know to protect your home and your coverage. How Insurance Companies View Aging Roofs Insurance companies are all about risk management, and an old roof is a red flag. A deteriorating roof increases the chance [...]

What to Look for in a Roofing Contractor

A roof is one of the most important parts of your home. Your roof is your first line of defense against weather elements, and it’s one of the most expensive parts of your home to replace. So, how do you find the right roofing contractor to replace your roof? In this article, we’ll touch on eight things you should be looking for in a roofing contractor to ensure you get the highest quality project for the best price. Does the roofing contractor have the proper licensing? The first and most important thing you should look for is a Maryland Home Improvement License. The state of Maryland [...]

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